Beginning nearly 30 years ago, the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation Program expanded its activities into assisting Muscogee citizens seeking professional/technical careers. The primary activity has been in the area of providing scholarship assistance to people committed to becoming a high performing workforce for the Nation. The Scholarship Foundation Program has recently expanded its efforts in the area of career assistance in four areas:
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Providing information regarding careers in health care, nursing, business careers, information technology and Indian law, addressing educational and credentialing requirements, as well as what health care and these other career fields involves and the rewards of helping your fellow person.
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Providing information regarding schools that offer allied health care courses and other professional degrees.
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Continuing to provide financial help, and information on other possible financial resources, to persons seeking health care education and professional/technical career fields.
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Launching a “mentor program” to match volunteers in the field with persons who have questions regarding their own career in health care and other professions.