The central purpose and role of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation Program established by the Muscogee (Creek) National Council is to promote self-sufficiency, proactive community participation, self-reliance, self-determination, tribal sovereignty, and a sustainable future for Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizens through traditional gift-giving and support of academic scholarship, community initiatives, and research that benefit the growth and prosperity of Muscogee (Creek) Nation communities.  The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation Program is a Muscogee (Creek) Nation tribal government non-profit program qualified under Section 7871(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.  This status is only afforded to federally recognized tribes.  All contributions to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation Program are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.



Hesci! Welcome to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Scholarship Foundation website!


UPDATE (6-17-2024)

Hesci! All Scholarship Foundation applications (General/Restricted and Aristocrat) are now CLOSED. 

UPDATE (3-25-2024) 

Hesci! The Aristocrat Cokv Hecv Honors Program for Academic Year 2024-2025 is now OPEN! Please Note: 1.) Starting Fall 2024, recipients will be on the program for the Academic Year 2024-2025; and, 2.) All Applicants must submit their scholarship applications IN FULL by the deadline (Monday, June 17th by 5 PM), NO EXCEPTIONS. 


UPDATE (3-11-2024)

Hesci! The Foundation General/Restricted Applications for Fall 2024 are now OPEN! Please click on the Scholarships tab located at the top of the webpage, review the scholarship listings, and complete your application. Please Note: all scholarship applications must be submitted IN FULL by the deadline (Monday, June 17th) in order to be considered and reviewed.